Alistair Stewart
13:50–14:20 Sunday, Portland Suite (1st floor)
'Plant-Based Universities: Running an effective campaign'
Orin Cooley-Greene and Alistair Stewart, Plant-Based Universities
Alistair is a regional coordinator in the Plant-Based Universities (PBU) core team, where he is responsible for universities in London, the East of England and the East Midlands. He also coordinates social media for the campaign. Having grown up in London, Alistair studied linguistics at the University of Cambridge for his undergraduate degree and then spent four and a half years as an officer in the British Army.
He went vegan on leaving the Army in 2022 before studying for a master’s degree in political science and ethics at University College London, where he became involved in animal rights advocacy and activism. He wrote his master's dissertation on open rescue – a type of direct action used by animal rights activists – and alongside animal liberation has interests in sentience-focused ethics, social change and artificial intelligence risk.
He can be found on X/Twitter at @alistair___s.